User Agreement

of the site

1. General provisions of the User Agreement

1.1. In this document and the relations of the Parties arising or related thereto, the following terms and definitions apply:

1.2. Your use of the Service in any way and in any form within the limits of its declared functionality, including:

1.3. By using any of the above options for using the Service, you confirm that:

2. Terms of use under the Agreement

2.1. Use of the functionality of the Service is permitted only after the User has registered and authorized on the Site in accordance with the procedure established by the Administration.

2.2. Technical, organizational and commercial conditions for using the Service, including its functionality, are brought to the attention of Users by separate posting on the Site or by notifying Users.

2.3. The login and password chosen by the User are necessary and sufficient information for the User to access the Site. The user does not have the right to transfer his login and password to third parties, and bears full responsibility for their safety, independently choosing the method of storing them.

3. License to Use the Site and Acceptable Use of the Service

This section describes the permitted ways to use the Site and the Service provided on its basis. The gratuitous nature of the license prevents the application of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights in the case where the user is an individual.

4. User guarantees under the Agreement

The section specifies guarantees and assurances on the part of the user regarding compliance with legal requirements and the User Agreement when using the Site and the Service based on it. These provisions are necessary, in particular, for the subsequent imposition of liability on the user for violations of the law or the rights of third parties in connection with the publication of illegal materials on the site.

5. License to use user content

When organizing a social service or platform for users to post various materials in the public domain, it is necessary to draw up a license agreement with each user for the use of his materials within the framework of such an Internet service. For example, the user’s permission to use his photo may be needed to publish it on the pages of other users, etc.

In addition, obtaining a license confirms that the content is being used with the permission of the user, who is responsible for ensuring that he has the authority to issue such a license.

6. Limitations of use

The User Agreement must clearly state the terms limiting liability for the provision and use of the Service, including user content published using it.

In addition, compliance with the requirements of the law requires the information intermediary to remove controversial materials upon the first request of the copyright holder. Therefore, the User Agreement must provide the owner of the Internet service with such an opportunity without prior approval and notification of the user.

7. Notifications and mailings

This provision of the Agreement is aimed at complying with the requirements to prevent SPAM.